Stay Up to Date with Lilly Trial Alerts

Trial Design
Person signing up for Lilly Trial Alerts on a mobile device.

What are Lilly Trial Alerts?

Lilly Trial Alerts are email alerts about clinical trials that are tailored to you. They are one of the best ways to stay up to date with Lilly clinical trials that are enrolling near you for your medical conditions of interest.

Signing up for Lilly Trial Alerts can be a great option if you:

  • want to stay informed about new research for a condition you are living with, or a loved one is living with.
  • completed a Lilly Trial Connect questionnaire and didn’t find a suitable trial or location that is enrolling at this time.
  • feel it is not the right time in your journey to start a clinical trial but want to learn about future opportunities.

Email features and options

Lilly Trial Alert emails contain different features and options. These are designed to help you find the clinical trials that may be the best fit for you or a loved one. Once you have found a trial you are interested in, you will have the option to take the next step to see if you may be eligible for the trial.

Within the Lilly Trials email you can find the following icons and options. Click or tap on each one to learn more.

Get the most out of Lilly Trial Alerts

Complete a Lilly Trial Connect questionnaire. Each medical condition that we research will have an associated Lilly Trial Connect questionnaire. These contain questions linked to key clinical trial criteria. By completing the questionnaire, it helps us match you to clinical trials that you are most likely to meet the criteria for.

Confirm your subscription. Once you sign up for Lilly Trial Alerts, we will send you an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Make sure you look for this email and confirm you would like to receive Lilly Trial Alerts, otherwise we cannot send them to you. Once you have confirmed your subscription you will get an email when clinical trials that may be a good fit are added to our website. We don’t want to overwhelm you or your email inbox, so we won’t send an email more often than once every two weeks.
Every few years we will send you an email asking you to confirm you would like to stay on the Lilly Trial Alerts email list. Be sure to respond to those emails when you get them, or you will stop receiving Lilly Trial Alerts.

Keep your subscription up to date.
It’s important that you keep your Lilly Trail Alerts subscription and Trial Connect questionnaire up to date. This helps us to send you Lilly Trial Alerts for the right location and based on any changes to your medical condition or treatment. You can update your information by clicking on the ‘Update or Modify Your Subscription’ link at the end of all Lilly Trial Alert emails.

Ready to Sign Up?

If you are ready to sign up for Lilly Trial Alerts, click or tap the "Receive Lilly Trial Alerts" button on the banner below.

For the most current information, follow us on Facebook.

Lilly Trial Alerts

Not the right fit? Sign up to receive updates about new trials that are listed or when a new trial site begins enrolling near you.

Not the right fit? Sign up to receive Lilly Trial Alerts to find out about new trials.

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