Genetic Disorders Research

Lilly and Prevail Therapeutics, a wholly owned subsidiary of Eli Lilly and Company, want to develop and make gene therapies to meet the needs of people living with genetic conditions. Through clinical research we are looking to find out if investigational genetic medicines may help people with genetic disorders such as:

  • Gaucher disease (type 1 & 2)
  • Parkinson’s disease with a GBA1 gene mutation
  • Frontotemporal dementia with a progranulin (GRN) gene mutation

By taking part in a clinical research study, you can help to make a difference. Click here to view clinical trials for neurological disorders.

Two people sitting down outside and happily talking. One person in a blue half zip sweater is holding a glass of iced tea.

About Our Research

Lilly was founded in 1876 with the goal of making new high-quality medicines for the people that need them. The company’s aim is the same today! We work with people who take our medicines, healthcare workers who prescribe our medicines, our employees who make our medicines, and potential patients and caregivers in communities around the world to create the best possible research experience that we can.

Genetic Disorders Research Areas

Genetic disorders, also known as genetic conditions, are often inherited (passed down from parents) but some genetic disorders can happen by chance to people without any family history. They can be difficult to treat, and for many of these conditions there is no cure available right now. Gene therapy is a type of precision medicine and uses ‘normal’ genes to replace a missing or abnormal gene. This can help treat or prevent disease. Clinical research helps us find ways to potentially prevent, better manage, and develop treatments for genetic disorders.
To learn more about the genetic disorders clinical research studies we are currently running, visit our neurological disorders page. You can also find links to clinical trials by clicking or tapping on the conditions below.

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