A Study of the CD73 Inhibitor LY3475070 Alone or in Combination With Pembrolizumab in Participants With Advanced Cancer

The reason for this study is to see if the CD73 inhibitor LY3475070 alone or in combination with pembrolizumab is safe and effective in participants with advanced cancer.

Trial Summary

Age Range
≥18 years
Conditions the trial is for
Advanced Cancer
What the trial is testing?
LY3475070, Pembrolizumab
Could I receive a Placebo?
Enrollment Goal
Trial Dates
Jan 16, 2020 - Jun 20, 2022
How long will I be in the trial?
Your participation in this trial could last up to 2 years, depending on your cancer type and how you and your tumor responds.
Trial Phase

Key Requirements

Clinical trials have inclusion and exclusion requirements to determine which individuals qualify for participation. Listed below are key requirements for this clinical trial, but there may be additional requirements to qualify.

Participants Must:

  • Participants must have certain types of cancer such as breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, skin cancer (melanoma), prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer

  • Participants must have stopped other forms of treatment for the cancer

  • Participants must be able and willing to provide a sample of the tumor before beginning treatment and a sample during the treatment. for certain tumor types, the result of a test on the tumor sample may exclude the participant from the study

  • Participants must have progressed through or be intolerant to therapies with known clinical benefit

Participants Must Not:

  • Participants must not be pregnant, and must agree to use birth control

  • Participants must not have a current untreated tuberculosis, lung disease, heart disease, uncontrolled HIV, autoimmune disease, active hepatitis B or C virus infection or using corticosteroids

  • Participant must not have cancer that has spread to the brain

  • Participant must not have received a vaccine within the last 30 days

  • Participant must not have had bowel obstruction within the last 6 months, or intestinal surgery

  • Participant must not have an infection that is currently being treated

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