A Study to Measure Energy Expenditure and Food Intake in Participants With Obesity Using Tirzepatide
I8F-MC-GPGU - ClinicalTrials.gov - NCT04081337
This is a study of tirzepatide in very overweight participants. The main purpose is to learn more about how tirzepatide affects the number of calories participants burn and the amount of food they eat.
Trial Summary
Age Range
18 - 60 yearsConditions the trial is for
ObesityWhat the trial is testing?
Tirzepatide, PlaceboCould I receive a Placebo?
YesEnrollment Goal
55Trial Dates
Jul 9, 2020 - May 26, 2022How long will I be in the trial?
The study will last 28 weeks and will include about 21 visits to the study center.Trial Phase
IKey Requirements
Clinical trials have inclusion and exclusion requirements to determine which individuals qualify for participation. Listed below are key requirements for this clinical trial, but there may be additional requirements to qualify.Participants Must:
Participants must be considered to be very overweight
Participants must have stable body weight in the past 1 month
Participants must agree to commit to and undergo study procedures as explained by clinic study staff
Participants Must Not:
Participants must not have undergone weight loss surgery (e.g. stomach stapling, lapbanding)
Participants must not have been diagnosed as having diabetes
Participants must not have used or intend to use weight loss drugs
Participants must not have donated blood in the past month
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