A Study of Tirzepatide (LY3298176) in Participants With Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction and Obesity (SUMMIT)

The main purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of Tirzepatide (LY3298176) in participants with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and obesity.

Trial Summary

Age Range
≥40 years
Conditions the trial is for
Obesity, Heart Failure
What the trial is testing?
Could I receive a Placebo?
Enrollment Goal
Trial Dates
Apr 20, 2021 - Jul 2, 2024
How long will I be in the trial?
Your participation could last about 30 months and may include up to 18 visits to the study center.
Trial Phase

Key Requirements

Clinical trials have inclusion and exclusion requirements to determine which individuals qualify for participation. Listed below are key requirements for this clinical trial, but there may be additional requirements to qualify.

Participants Must:

  • Participants must have heart failure, heart disease

  • Participants must be taking heart failure medications

Participants Must Not:

  • Participants must not have had heart surgery in the last month

  • Participants must not have lung disease

  • Participants must not have severe anemia

  • Participants must not have severe arthritis or difficulty in walking

  • Participants must not have poor kidney function

  • Participants must not be participating in a weight loss exercise program

  • Participants must not have uncontrolled diabetes

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