A Study of LY3451838 in Participants With Migraine

The reason for this study is to see if the study drug LY3451838 is safe and effective in participants who have migraine that have not responded to other preventive treatments.

Trial Summary

Age Range
18 - 75 years
Conditions the trial is for
What the trial is testing?
Could I receive a Placebo?
Enrollment Goal
Trial Dates
Nov 16, 2020 - Nov 9, 2022
How long will I be in the trial?
This study may last up to 10 months and may include up to 11 visits.
Trial Phase

Key Requirements

Clinical trials have inclusion and exclusion requirements to determine which individuals qualify for participation. Listed below are key requirements for this clinical trial, but there may be additional requirements to qualify.

Participants Must:

  • Participants must have a diagnosis of migraine or chronic migraine

  • Participants must have a history of migraine headaches at least 1 year prior to screening and that began prior to age 50

  • Participants must have failed previous migraine preventive medications in the past 10 years due to too little helpfulness or the ability to put up with the medication

Participants Must Not:

  • Participants must not be currently enrolled in or have participated within the last 30 days or within 5 half-lives (whichever is longer) in a clinical trial involving an investigational product. A half-life is the time necessary for half of any drug in the body to be removed by natural processes

  • Participants must not have a history of daily headache, cluster headache, certain migraine subtypes, or other incompatible headache diagnoses

  • Participants must not be pregnant or nursing

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