A Study of LY3493269 in Participants With Type 2 Diabetes

The main purpose of this study is to determine the side effects related to LY3493269 in participants with type 2 diabetes.

Trial Summary

Age Range
18 - 70 years
Conditions the trial is for
Type 2 Diabetes
What the trial is testing?
Dulaglutide, LY3493269
Could I receive a Placebo?
Enrollment Goal
Trial Dates
Aug 25, 2020 - Mar 9, 2021
How long will I be in the trial?
The study will last up to approximately 16 weeks for each participant and may include up to 11 visits.
Trial Phase

Key Requirements

Clinical trials have inclusion and exclusion requirements to determine which individuals qualify for participation. Listed below are key requirements for this clinical trial, but there may be additional requirements to qualify.

Participants Must:

  • Participants must have type 2 diabetes that is under control, and HbA1c of at least 7.0% and no more than 10.5%

  • Participants must have stable body weight for the last three months

  • Participants must follow birth control requirements

Participants Must Not:

  • Participants must not have type 1 diabetes

  • Participants must not have uncontrolled diabetes (meaning that they required hospitalization for treatment of life-threatening complications of diabetes) in the last six months

  • Participants must not have had more than one episode of severe low blood sugar requiring emergency treatment within the last six months

  • Participants must not take blood sugar lowering drugs, other than a stable dose of metformin, within the last three months

  • Participants must not have other serious or unstable illnesses

  • Participants must not have undergone weight loss surgery (stomach stapling, lapbanding, etc.) or have taken prescription weight loss medicine within the last three months

  • Participants must not be pregnant or breastfeeding

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