Cardiovascular Research
To learn more about the types of cardiovascular disease and ongoing clinical trials we conduct in this area, visit our Cardiovascular Disease Research page.
Cardiovascular ResearchThe main purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of LY3473329 in adult participants with elevated Lp(a) at high risk for cardiovascular events.
Participants must be at least 40 years old and have Lipoprotein(a) level≥175 nmol/L at screening
Have coronary artery disease, stroke or peripheral artery disease, familiar hypercholesterolemia or type 2 diabetes
Participants if on the following medications must be on stable regimen before participating and through the end of treatment and assessment period: lipid-lowering drugs, testosterone, estrogens, anti-estrogens, progestins, selective estrogen receptor modulators or growth hormone
Have body mass index within the range 18.5 to 40 kilogram/square meter
Males and female of child bearing potential who agree to use highly effective contraception methods or women not of childbearing age
Had history of underlying disease or surgical, physical medical or psychiatric condition
Had major surgery within 3 months of randomization
Had coronary, carotid, or peripheral arteria revascularization, stroke, heart attack or chest pain within 3 months of day 1
Have uncontrolled diabetes
Have uncontrolled high blood pressure
To learn more about the types of cardiovascular disease and ongoing clinical trials we conduct in this area, visit our Cardiovascular Disease Research page.
Cardiovascular ResearchA clinical trial helps us learn if a new potential medicine or treatment works and how it works. Clinical trials are also called clinical research studies. To learn more about what to expect when taking part in a clinical trial, visit our Clinical Trial Information page.