Pain Research
To learn more about clinical trials for pain, visit our Pain Research page.
Learn MoreThe main purpose of this study is to assess whether LY3857210 is safe and efficacious in relieving chronic low back pain (CLBP).
Participants must be willing to maintain any non-drug pain relieving therapies (for example, physical therapy) and not start any new non-drug pain-relieving therapies during the study
Participants must be willing to stop all pain medications for lower back pain, except for rescue medication allowed in the study
Participants must have a history daily pain for at least 12 weeks
Have had a procedure within the past 6 months intended to produce permanent sensory loss in the target area of interest.
Have surgery planned during the study for any reason
Have had cancer within 2 years, except for certain types of skin cancer (cutaneous basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma) surgically removed
Have an intolerance to acetaminophen or paracetamol
Have had a major recent trauma within 6 months of start of study intervention
Have a seizure disorder or history of seizure
To learn more about clinical trials for pain, visit our Pain Research page.
Learn MoreA clinical trial helps us learn if a new potential medicine or treatment works and how it works. Clinical trials are also called clinical research studies. To learn more about what to expect when taking part in a clinical trial, visit our Clinical Trial Information page.