Meet the Team

Clinical research is an invaluable part of making life better for people across the globe. While incredible strides have been made in what researchers are able to discover, there is still more to learn and ways to improve the research process. Lilly is working to make clinical research more connected, engaging and accessible than ever before. We believe that the development of new medicines can be accelerated by open and honest conversations with patients, caregivers, researchers and innovators. The more we share ideas and knowledge, the bigger the difference we can make. Join us in transforming clinical research, together.

Our Team

Anna Bergmann

View all of Anna Bergmann's blog articles
Anna Bergmann continuously works to understand the patient’s perspective and to provide them with the information that they need to make the decisions that are best for them and their families. With over 25 years of communications experience, she has spent time in a variety of industries, but always returns to healthcare.

Susan O'Sullivan

View all of Susan O'Sullivan's blog articles
Susan O'Sullivan is a medical doctor with a passion for health literacy, health education and patient-centered care.

Kevin Hudziak

View all of Kevin Hudziak's blog articles
Kevin Hudziak is dedicated to improving the patient experience by gathering site and patient input into protocol design and working to enable decentralized clinical trials.

Susan Gilchrist

View all of Susan Gilchrist's blog articles
Susan Gilchrist wears many hats: former pediatric nurse, advocate and navigator for her family’s health issues, champion for keeping the patient and research site experience top of mind through our CoDESIGN workshops.

Sarah Bennett

Sarah Bennett is a former critical care nurse and a passionate educator who strives to improve public awareness and knowledge about clinical trials.